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Fun on the Road: Classic Road Games

Mar 22, 2024 | Travel

Whether traveling with friends, family, or a group, road trips can be fun. But sometimes, long journeys can become monotonous. That’s where games come in! Engaging in fun and interactive activities can enhance your travel experience and make the time fly by. There are many classic games to play on the road that will bring laughter and enjoyment to your journey. So, whether you’re embarking on a Sunshine Tours charter bus trip or hitting the road on your own, these games are a must-try.

Classic Games for Bus Journeys

Remember these classic games to keep the fun times rolling during your Sunshine Tours bus journey.

“I Spy”

This funny bus game is perfect for all ages and requires no equipment. One player chooses an object in sight and gives an abstract hint like “I spy with my little eye something red.” The other passengers then take turns guessing what the object could be. The game continues until a player guesses the object correctly.

20 Questions

One player thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the other passengers ask up to 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is. The player who guesses correctly then gets to think of the next item.

Travel Bingo

Before setting off, create bingo cards with items you might spot on your journey, such as a red barn, a horse, a motorcycle, etc. As you travel, mark off each item you see. The first to spot all the items in a column or row and yell “Bingo!” wins.

Name That Tune

One player hums or whistles a song tune while the others take turns guessing the song’s title or artist. The person who guesses correctly gets the honor of humming the next song. This game can quickly turn into a full-blown travel karaoke session!

Interactive Group Games

Interactive group games enliven the trip and promote group interaction and camaraderie, putting every member at ease.


Charades is a game that is a perfect fit for a bus tour. One player acts out a word or phrase without speaking while the rest of the group attempts to guess what it is. The word or phrase can be a movie, book, or common saying.

The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a quick, easy, and fun way to bring everyone together. You start with the letter ‘A’ and go around, with each player saying a word that begins with the next letter in the alphabet. The last player left is the champion!

Would You Rather?

Players take turns asking questions that start with “Would you rather…?”. For example, “Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?”. There are no right or wrong answers, and the resulting discussions can be surprising and highly entertaining.

Technology-Based Games

Having some tech-based games to play on a bus journey can add a modern twist to your trip while keeping everyone entertained.

Mobile App Recommendations

Apps like ‘Heads Up!’, an exciting charades-inspired game, or ‘Psych!’, a trivia game where you make up fake answers to real trivia questions, are perfect for group play. For those who prefer solitary gaming, ‘Monument Valley’ or ‘Candy Crush Saga’ can be riveting.

Podcast and Trivia Quizzes

Podcasts are a fantastic source of entertainment and can also be incredibly educational. You can choose a podcast suitable for your group’s interests, listen to a set duration, and have a discussion afterward. Alternatively, you can play trivia quizzes based on podcasts.

Enhancing Your Bus Journey With Games

Remember, the goal of these games isn’t just to pass the time but to enhance your journey, bringing people together and creating unforgettable memories along the way. So whether you’re a long-time fan of these games or trying them out for the first time, don’t hesitate to bring them on board your next bus journey!

We invite you to try these games on your next Sunshine Tours charter bus trip and see the difference they make. Booking your next trip is easy. Contact us at (800) 552-0022. Our team is always ready to help you plan the perfect journey with all the fun and games you can handle. As the saying goes, it’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey—so let’s make it unforgettable with Sunshine Tours!

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